What Are the Benefits of Getting Massages Regularly?

January 17, 2018 5:30 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There’s a lot of healthcare advice floating around out there, and it’s getting hard to distinguish what’s fact versus what’s fiction. Sure, cutting out soft drinks is good for your diet, but where does the healthcare community stand on drinking red wine every day? Depends on who you ask.

Massage in Torrance, CA is one of those topics that gets its fair share of speculation. Is it something that you should view as a pampering treat, or does it legitimately have benefits for your health? Survey says: it absolutely benefits your health to get a massage! In fact, it’s something you should think about doing routinely.

Studies by the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins University and a wide range of other world-renowned institutions have found that people who routinely schedule professional massages actually reap a full variety of health benefits. Some of the biggest include:

  • Lower blood pressure and lower instances of hypertension
  • Fewer muscle-related issues (tightness, cramping, pain, etc.)
  • Better mental health and lower instances of depression
  • Better range of motion and flexibility

Now, these are just the tip of the iceberg! In addition to feeling good physically and enjoying a better mental mood, those who go for routine massages are also subject to peripheral benefits that come from the body’s response to stimulation. These can include:

  • Better, more restful sleep
  • Lower rates of inflammation
  • Better oxygenation of muscles
  • Better injury recovery times

It doesn’t stop here, either. For those with chronic ailments or injuries, massage can have even more profound benefits when sought on a routine basis. Studies have shown that regular massage has benefits that can quell symptoms and flare-ups for a number of diseases, including:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Digestive disorders
  • Depression
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Insomnia
  • TMJ
  • Hernias

The list goes on and on, encompassing common physical and mental conditions of all types. The reason for these benefits comes from the musculoskeletal stimulation and the brain’s reaction to it. Simply put, palpitation of the body through massage alleviates physical stress and tension, while also causing the brain to release endorphins that signal relaxation and tranquility. Together, this response equates to profound benefits for the mind and body alike.

So how often is “routine” when it comes to massages? It depends on the person. For active individuals or those with chronic illnesses, weekly or bi-weekly massages may be the key to improved health. For those living relatively stress-free or in good health, monthly massages may be suitable. Really, it comes down to what the body is telling you. For example, recovering from a sports injury may prompt more stress and pain, facilitating bi-weekly massages until you’re healed fully.

Don’t be surprised if your primary care physician recommends massage, either! Massages don’t have to be scheduled around lifestyle to be effective—they can be incorporated into treatment plans and wellness curriculums with ease.

All told, there’s very little to be confused about when it comes to the health benefits of professional massage in Torrance, CA. Not only can you seek massage for regular benefit—you should!

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